Kate Middleton’s Sudden Reappearance Does Little to Quell Rumors

(RepublicanJournal.org) – Princess of Wales Kate Middleton was finally seen in public on March 17, putting an end to some speculations as to the cause of her absence from public life, but not others.

The princess went missing from the public spotlight around Christmas 2023 when she prepared to undergo an unspecified abdominal surgery. Kensington Palace indicated at the time that the princess would not likely show herself again “until after Easter.” However, both conventional and social media outlets have continued to share speculations over the circumstances surrounding her continued absence.

The most recent buzz is over a photograph the royals released in an attempt to end the #WhereIsKate movement — but the image turned out to be so terribly photoshopped that multiple news agencies retracted it.

The story just keeps getting weirder and weirder. The Prince and Princess of Wales released the bizarre photo on March 10 on X, the social media outlet formerly known as Twitter. At first glance, it looks like a happy group pic with Middleton and the royal couple’s three children.

A closer look reveals that the image was heavily altered, or possibly even created using AI — and social media users are quick to point out the evidence. TheNewsHound questions why the Princess of Wales doesn’t appear to be wearing her wedding ring.

User Amanda Blick posts a closeup of a sleeve that indicates a hand may have been generated from another image, and ProperGander17 points out that there seems to be an abundance of greenery present for a picture supposedly taken in March. Big Iron Bill adds that the youngest appears to be missing part of one finger and is twisting his ring and index fingers in unnatural ways.

Prince Charles apologized for the “confusion” in a follow-up post, claiming he occasionally dabbled in photo editing.

Paul Burrell, who was a butler for Queen Elizabeth and Princess Diana, claims to know numerous people who serve the current Prince and Princess of Wales, and he told News Nation that he believes the so-called crisis has been “fueled by the media.” He is adamant that Middleton is perfectly fine — in Norfolk, specifically. He added that, as previously stated, the princess would remain in recovery and out of the spotlight until after Easter.

Hopefully, her appearance two weeks before the holiday is a sign of her complete recovery ahead of schedule.

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