(RepublicanJournal.org) – British police are hunting for a dangerous batch of drugs after three suspicious deaths. Two men and a woman have died so far, all in the same town. Two suspects have already been arrested.
On July 16, Northumbria Police, which covers the northeast corner of England, announced that it was investigating three deaths. All three victims died in South Shields, a suburb of Newcastle upon Tyne, after suffering from “fatal medical episodes.” Police say the exact cause of death is “unexplained” — but it looks like they have some strong suspicions. A force spokesman said detectives were investigating whether all three had taken drugs from the same batch.
So far, Northumbria Police haven’t said what kind of drugs they suspect of being involved. However, a man and woman were arrested on suspicion of supplying Class A drugs on July 16. By July 18, police had arrested a total of nine people. Six have been released on bail, one is being held for possession with intent to supply, and two men have been charged with possession with intent to supply as well as weapons charges.
In the UK, Class A drugs include heroin, cocaine, ecstasy, LSD, magic mushrooms and crystal meth. Almost all drug deaths in the country involve Class A drugs, and half of those are caused by opiates. However, unlike the US, the problem isn’t synthetic opioids like fentanyl; the most common drugs linked to deaths are heroin, morphine and methadone.
Detective Inspector Emma Martin called on drug users and anyone who knows an addict to be careful, as police “suspect this particular batch could have fatal consequences.” She said the force’s priority was “to protect people from harm,” before adding a warning about not using illegal drugs.
North East England, which includes the Tyneside area, has the highest rate of drug deaths in England according to British government statistics.
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