Rabbi Calls Out Cory Booker for Fleeing From the Bombs He Helped Fund

(RepublicanJournal.org) – Rep. Cory Booker (D-NJ) made waves across social media when he posted a video of himself in Israel following the initial Hamas strike. The representative quickly fled the country while tens of thousands of Americans struggled to find a way out. His actions stirred the anger of Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, who says Booker helped fund the bombs he so publicly escaped.

Booker posted his video on X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter, on the afternoon of October 8. He shared a harrowing story that involved fleeing the streets and huddling in a hotel stairwell alongside other terrified onlookers, some of whom were other Americans, as “thousands of rockets” flew. The representative denounced the terrorist attack and called for peace.

Boteach, who writes for Breitbart, claims Hamas only had the means to bomb Israel because Iran was able to help fund them — and it wouldn’t have had that power if leaders from the US and several other countries hadn’t approved the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) in 2015, which offered the Islamic nation significant relief from sanctions and opened up $150 billion to Tehran. Boteach writes that he begged Booker, who had been his friend up until that point, not to support the deal, telling him Iran funded Hezbollah and Hamas. He added that their friendship ended the day Booker offered his support in Congress for the Iran deal.

The Wall Street Journal recently reported on claims that Iran did, indeed, help Hamas plan its deadly massacre in Israel. The UN still maintains that its officials haven’t found any solid evidence connecting Tehran with the attack, although it did acknowledge the two Muslim groups’ long-standing relationship.

As far as Boteach is concerned, every person who helped the JCPOA empower Iran holds some responsibility for Hamas’ brutal slaughter in Israel on October 7.

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