Longshot 2024 Candidate Ryan Binkley Drops Out

(RepublicanJournal.org) – As folks in Michigan traveled to the polls to cast their primary votes on Tuesday, February 27, one Republican candidate finally decided to throw in the towel. Pastor and Texas businessman Ryan Binkley notified his supporters that he was suspending his campaign and offering his “endorsement and unwavering support” to former President Donald Trump.

In a post on X, formerly Twitter, Binkley thanked his campaign team and all those who supported his endeavor to win the Republican nomination. He explained that the nation’s “unsustainable” budget deficit had inspired him to throw his hat into the ring. One of his planks included demonopolizing the healthcare system, which he argued has contributed toward bankrupting the country and its citizens.

Binkley had previously described his run for the nomination as a calling from God. Like many callings, it has come at a high cost. The businessman loaned himself more than $10 million for the campaign while earning fewer than 2500 votes in early contests, according to POLITICO.

Binkley remained in the campaign longer than Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, or tech billionaire Vivek Ramaswamy but arguably gained far fewer votes and struggled to build recognition or brand. When POLITICO asked him how he would know when it was time to suspend his campaign, he replied, “God would just have to speak to me and tell me to end it.”

Still, Binkley stated he hoped to “make an impact and promote” his policies regarding the budget, the border, the economy, healthcare, and national security through other means. He asked his supporters to pray for the nation and its leaders, to support Trump in his campaign and as he struggles against “corrupt allegations and indictments.”

Trump is dominating the Republican nomination race against his only remaining competitor, former South Carolina Governor and UN Ambassador Nikki Haley. Despite losing recent primaries in South Carolina and Michigan by approximately 20 and 40 percentage points, respectively, Haley has refused to give up her bid for the nomination. Perhaps Binkley wasn’t the only candidate waiting to hear from God.

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