Liz Cheney Makes Appearance on “State of the Union,” Teases Potential 2024 Run

( – Disgraced former congresswoman Liz Cheney (R-WY) has appeared on CNN with some comments on next year’s presidential race. The renegade Republican still hasn’t got over her dislike of former president Donald Trump. Intriguingly, host Jake Tapper picked up on hints she’s considering a run for the White House herself — and when he questioned her, she wouldn’t rule it out.

On October 22, Cheney, a former GOP congresswoman from Wyoming, joined CNN host Tapper on “State of the Union.” As usual, she attacked Trump, who’s currently well ahead of all his rivals for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, calling him “the single most dangerous threat we face.” She added that she plans to spend the next year “helping to elect serious people… sane people.”

At this point, Tapper asked Cheney if she was ruling out making her own presidential run. She replied, “No, I’m not.” The question is, would she run as an independent? The way it looks right now she’d have no chance against Trump for the GOP nomination. Even Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is struggling to hold his support up in double figures, and DeSantis is a popular, strongly conservative leader. Cheney alienated many Republicans by voting with Democrats to impeach Trump in 2021. She sat on the House committee investigating the January 6 Capitol riot. In 2022, she was ejected from the Wyoming Republican Party, lost the primary, and in the November midterms, her share of the vote fell from almost 70% to just 28%, costing her the seat.

Now Cheney is positioning herself as the sensible option while continuing her attacks on Trump and his allies. She’s blaming the current House leadership crisis on deposed speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and challenger Jim Jordan (R-OH), calling it an “assault on our democracy” orchestrated by Trump. But in a Republican Party dominated by Trump, it’s unlikely Cheney’s rhetoric will get her elected.

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