Hamas Threatens to Kill All 137 Hostages in Custody

(RepublicanJournal.org) – Hamas had set a total of 100 captives free by December 1, when the groups’ truce with Israel fell through and fighting between the two groups resumed. Now, Hamas is threatening to kill the remaining 137 hostages in its custody if Israel doesn’t bow to its demands for a prisoner exchange and other negotiations.

Aljazeera reports that Hamas made the threat on Sunday, December 10, as the two countries marked their 65th day into the conflict. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu fired back, demanding Hamas terrorists surrender and telling the enemy they didn’t need to die for their cause, which he called “Sinwar” after the Hamas leader. Each side has accused its enemy of committing war crimes.

The active fight between Israel and Hamas began on October 7 when a terrorist group from Gaza attacked southern Israel by surprise and slaughtered 1,200 people, most of whom were reportedly civilians. The terrorists also took around 240 hostages back to Gaza. Netanyahu officially declared war against Hamas in response, ordering airstrikes across parts of the enemy’s territory. He warned about 1 million people living in Gaza’s northern region to evacuate south before ordering an onslaught of sieges. The Israeli president vowed to “destroy the enemy above ground and below.”

The attacks that followed have been numerous and devastating. Gaza’s health ministry estimates that over 17,480 people have died, but the death count continues to rise by the day. When Reuters reported its numbers in November, it noted that an estimated 40% of the deceased were children. Reports add that about 60% of the housing in Gaza has been leveled — at least 305,000 homes — and 167 houses of worship have taken damage in the strikes. Roughly 90% of the population has been displaced, and supplies have run scarce. MSNBC reports that 20 hostages have died so far in Hamas captivity.

Breitbart speculates that the threat to kill the remaining hostages could be a sign Hamas is getting desperate.

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