GOP Donor Tells Nikki Haley to Give Up

( – The race for this year’s Republican presidential nomination has barely even started, but after just one caucus and one primary, former president Donald Trump already has just one real opponent — Nikki Haley. And though she’s still in the running, she’s lagging far behind. Now a major Republican donor has called on her to accept the inevitable and drop out.

Andy Sabin is chairman of the board of Sabin Metal Corporation, an independent business that started as a New York scrapyard and is now one of the largest precious metal recovery companies in the US. He’s also a significant donor to the GOP — over the last three election cycles, he’s given about $1.7 million to Republican campaigns. On January 24, he appeared on Fox News’s “Your World” and discussed Haley’s presidential campaign with host Neil Cavuto.

The last time he talked about Haley, Sabin said he liked her as a candidate. Now, he thinks she might as well give up. Quoting country star Kenny Rogers’s famous hit “The Gambler,” he said, “You gotta know when to walk away” — It’s time for Nikki Haley to walk away.” He added that if a candidate can’t even win their home state then there’s no point in continuing; polls show Trump with a massive 30-point lead in South Carolina.

Sabin agreed with Cavuto that he’d had faith in Haley in the run-up to the New Hampshire primary — where she gained 43.22% of the vote compared to Trump’s 54.34% — but now thinks her campaign is basically over. On the plus side, he said he’d be the first to donate to her if she runs again in 2028.

Now, Sabin is backing Trump — but with reservations. He said Trump could be “the best president we ever had” and praised his “great policies,” but went on to deplore his habit of attacking people when he doesn’t need to. For now, at least, he says he’ll support Trump as long as he’s the Republican nominee; he also said if it came down to a choice between Biden or his dog, he’d vote for his dog.

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