Former Major League Baseball MVP To Run for Feinstein’s Seat

( – Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) died at the end of September, following years of worries about her ability to do the job. California Governor Gavin Newsom appointed Laphonza Butler to take over her seat. However, Feinstein was up for re-election next November, and while she had already said she wouldn’t run again, Butler is going to have to defend her place in the Senate. Several prominent Democrats will be eager to take her place. Now a former baseball player has stepped forward as the GOP’s challenger.

On October 10, Steve Garvey announced that he plans to run for Feinstein’s old seat as a Republican. Garvey, who’s 74, spent 14 years with the Los Angeles Dodgers and was named as the National League’s Most Valuable Player in 1974. He was on the Dodgers team when they won the 1981 World Series. He went on to play with the San Diego Padres for five years.

Since retiring he’s been running Garvey Media Group, which specializes in sports marketing, and also runs a communications company. He’s been on the board of the Baseball Assistance Team, a nonprofit that helps former major league players, for over 30 years. Now he’s decided it’s time to enter politics.

Garvey will face stiff competition for the Senate seat. Butler, a former union organizer and president of EMILY’s List — a PAC that pushes pro-abortion Democrat candidates — will have held the seat for over a year by the election, and will be keen to hold on to it. Meanwhile three Democrat congresspeople are likely to challenge her for it; Adam Schiff (D-CA), Katie Porter (D-CA) and Barbara Lee (D-CA) have all started building campaigns.

Garvey is optimistic, though. He said when he played baseball he “never played for Democrats or Republicans or Independents… I played for all the fans, and I’m running for all the people.”

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