Controversial Steve Scalise Beats Out Jordan for Speakership Nomination — Then Withdraws

( – Another extended battle for House speakership could be in the works. While the chamber nominated Steve Scalise (LA) over Jim Jordan (OH) for the seat, it turns out that vote is now moot because just one day later, Scalise has withdrawn from the contest.

Republicans held a secret ballot on Wednesday, October 11. Scalise received 113 votes, Jordan 99. Given the fact that all Democrats are likely to vote against the new nominee, whoever the nominee was needed needed more support. At least six lawmakers who supported Jordan indicated that they would vote against Scalise when the decision finally came to the floor.

Scalise’s nomination was controversial for more than one reason. Representative Nancy Mace (R-SC) told CNN’s Jake Tapper that Scalise won’t be getting her vote because he attended a white supremacists’ gathering in 2002. He also reportedly compared himself to Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke. Scalise has since denounced the racist group as well as all of its ideologies, but Mace apparently wasn’t impressed. She insists her vote for Scalise would have been “an enormous disservice” to the people in her state and said Jordan continues to have her support.

Other Republicans who are holding out for Jordan, according to CBS News, include Reps. Lauren Boebert (CO), Bob Good (PA), Marjorie Taylor Greene (GA), Max Miller (OH), and Lloyd Smucker (PA). Texas Reps. Michael Cloud and Chip Roy also opposed Scalise, although they’re both most angry over the rush to push the vote. Rep. Carlos Gimenez (FL) says McCarthy still has his support.

The House is determined to find someone who can summon at least 217 House members to support them moving forward, but the lawmakers have struggled to agree on a nominee. Now they need to start the process over again. After his announcement on Thursday night when he said the party needed to be unified, Scalise said, “Our conference still has to come together and it is not there. There are still some people that have their own agendas.”

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