Dave Chappelle’s New Special Angers Left-Wingers

(RepublicanJournal.org) – Dave Chappelle just released a new comedy special on Netflix, and left-wingers are fuming. “The Dreamer,” which offers unfiltered subject matter reminiscent of the comedian’s previous stand-up routines, has prompted Progressives to slam him as a bully who is “fixated on the trans community.”

“The Dreamer” premiered on December 31, 2023. The roughly one-hour comedy routine, so far, has an 85% audience rating on Rotten Tomatoes, although the majority of critics haven’t been quite as kind in their reviews. They focus on Chappelle’s “punching down” approach, which places an emphasis on groups of people who are marginalized and therefore easy targets. Business Insider writes that “anti-woke” material has become a controversial topic — one Netflix has turned into a lucrative brand.

Variety reports that “The Dreamer” begins with Chappelle’s recollections of visiting the set for “Man on the Moon” in the late 1990s and interacting with method actor Jim Carrey. He notes his disappointment in spending the day with the film star, who insisted on remaining in character at all times while he was on the set, and states that members of the transgender community rub him in a similar way. He goes on to state that he’s done attacking trans people, insisting he isn’t saying another word about them because they’re too much trouble — but he quickly adds that perhaps he’d limit himself to a few jokes. He then notes that he’s shifting his focus to the handicapped because “they’re not as organized as the gays” and he so enjoys slamming the little guy.

And Chapelle delivers. One of his ensuing attacks, according to USA Today, pokes fun at former North Carolina Rep. Madison Cawthorn, who is a paraplegic. He states that after meeting the disabled politician, he decided as he walked away to perform a feat that was impossible for Cawthorn: Chappelle “skipped” away.

Keeping to his promise to limit the trans jokes, Chappelle turns the California correctional system into one of his major punchlines. He states that if he’s ever faced with jail time, he hopes he’s sentenced in California. He’ll just tell the judge he identifies as a woman.

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