“Young Turks” Star to Run Against Joe Biden

(RepublicanJournal.org) – Cenk Uygur, host of the popular political commentary show “The Young Turks,” recently announced that he was running against Joe Biden for the Democratic presidential nomination. He called the commander in chief an “albatross” hanging around the necks of the American people and insisted that the Left would lose to Trump if it didn’t pick a new front runner.

Uygur insists he did what he could to convince other Democrats to run against Biden before stepping in himself, but he feels he has no choice at this point. He reportedly agrees with many of the current administration’s policies and vows to see them through where the president has failed. He adds that issues he intends to focus on include the increasing the country’s low minimum wage, adding public healthcare options, and improving resources for paid family leave.

On his campaign website, Uygur states that Biden is currently 13 points lower in the polls than he was when he faced former President Donald Trump in 2020 and he won by 44,000 votes. He points out that, given the negativity Biden has received over his handling of the economy, his chances of beating Trump a second time are questionable.

Biden’s approval rating has been hovering around 39-40% for months according to FiveThirtyEight, whereas Trump’s popularity has been on a steady rise. The only current progressive primary challenger, Marianne Williamson — who has just 4% of the Democratic vote, according to Ballotpedia — wouldn’t likely win against the MAGA leader, either. Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the only other person who had even a shot against Biden with 14% of voters’ support has decided to run as an independent, so the most he’s likely to do is split the rest of the vote.

There’s just one major hurdle for the Young Turk to cross: Uygur isn’t a natural-born US citizen. Breitbart states that the presidential hopeful isn’t going to let that stop him. He plans to take the issue to the Supreme Court if he has to, and he already has a lawyer on the case.

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