US Education Official Resigns Because of Biden

( – The divide over how the United States should handle the war between Israel and Hamas could be reaching critical levels, and one official says they’ve had enough. A senior member of the US Education Department has resigned from their position as a result of the continued strikes Israel has waged against Palestine in its efforts to eradicate its Islamic terrorist neighbors.

Tariq Habash, who worked as a special assistant in the Education Department’s Office of Planning, Evaluation and Policy Development, resigned on January 3. Newsweek reports that the Palestinian American official stated President Joe Biden’s policy on the war, which he says has put the lives of millions of innocent people at risk, was his motivation for leaving. Habash had been with the department for almost three years. Before that, he was a special assistant for the office of planning, evaluation and policy development. His area of expertise was student loans.

Habash is among the growing number of vocal Palestine supporters who insist that the waves of deadly assaults Israel has made against Gaza have devastated too many civilian lives to justify further strikes. They see the attacks as genocide, and they want Biden to end US support.

Many Americans remain in favor of Israel and believe in its mission to end Hamas, but a growing number are also becoming sympathetic for the innocent people who continue to get caught in the crossfire.

The latest conflict between the two Middle Eastern neighbors began on October 7, 2023, when Islamic terrorists from Gaza stormed across regions in Israel, brutally slaughtering 1,200 people and taking an additional 240 hostage. Israel struck back with a vengeance, killing a reported 21,900 Palestinians.

Habash said during a recent interview with MSNBC’s “The Reid Out” that Biden’s response has been “heartbreaking.” He added that the president’s disregard for so many innocent lives is “dehumanizing” to Americans who share Palestine’s ethnic roots.

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