Stephen A. Smith Slams Hillary Clinton

( – It’s fair to say a lot of Americans aren’t very enthusiastic about November’s presidential election. It’s Donald Trump v. Joe Biden; haven’t we been here before? Failed 2016 candidate Hillary Clinton disagrees, though; she recently told unhappy voters to “get over yourselves.” Now a sports media star has pushed back at her.

On April 1, Clinton, who served as secretary of state in the Obama administration and then made two unsuccessful White House runs in 2008 and 2016, appeared on NBC’s “The Tonight Show.” Host Jimmy Fallon asked her if she had a message for Americans who wish this year’s election wasn’t a repeat of 2020. Her blunt reply was “Get over yourselves. Those are the two choices.”

Fallon seemed to approve of her answer, exclaiming “Yeah! I live that.” ESPN sports analyst Stephen A. Smith was less impressed, though. The next day he criticized her comments, saying he didn’t see it as “a very wise statement.” He continued by blasting her 2016 election strategy, pointing out that Trump beat her in 2016. Smith also discussed her failure to campaign in key swing states like Wisconsin and Pennsylvania late in the race, and the confidential email scandal that dogged her.

One issue Smith didn’t discuss was how Clinton angered many Americans by calling potential Trump voters “a basket of deplorables” — but he might have been hinting about that when he warned that “the last thing you need to do is to do anything that could agitate a potential voter in this particular election.”

Clinton hasn’t said anything that obnoxious this time round, but the fact is many Americans are annoyed that we have the same two presidential candidates as the last election, and it isn’t hard to understand why. By dismissing their concerns so rudely, Clinton has risked alienating potential Democrat voters the same way she did in 2016.

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