Kanye West Hit With Shocking Lawsuit

(RepublicanJournal.org) – A former employee of Donda Academy, the private school owned by rapper Kanye West, just filed the latest of shocking lawsuits against the celebrity. They add new allegations to an already long and bizarre list that includes “severe discrimination, harassment, and retaliation.”

Trevor Phillips, who began his employment with West as part of the performer’s Yeezy fashion line team, claims the rapper often shared antisemitic rhetoric in front of students and staff members and compared himself to Holocaust leader Adolf Hitler. He claims that his former employer expressed a desire to shave students’ heads and put them in cages.

Phillips allegedly produced a text message from West that boasted he was working on “Hitler level stuff […] minus the gas chambers.” Other claims against the performer include inappropriate sexual behavior, use of anti-LGBTQ language, and physical intimidation.

Phillips isn’t alone. In April, former employees Cecilia Hailey and Chekarey Byers sued West, claiming they had been wrongfully terminated for reporting code violations at the school. The two also allege that they suffered discrimination based on their racial background and saw their wages illegally withheld. Hailey claims that there was no curriculum, no standards for safety, health, and sanitation, and no disciplinary procedures, which led to instances of bullying and physical assaults.

The school also allegedly has no nurse on staff and no access to a nursing hotline. Additionally, according to Hailey, children’s medications aren’t properly secured. Chekarey, who is Hailey’s daughter, adds that she had a student with an EpiPen — but she only learned about the life-saving emergency device when she came upon it by accident.

Other complaints include allegations that the children were only served sushi for lunch, weren’t allowed to display artwork on the walls, couldn’t wear jewelry, weren’t allowed to use forks or other utensils, and had to sit on foam cushions in place of traditional chairs.

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