Rashida Tlaib Officially Censured by House for Israel-Hamas Stance

(RepublicanJournal.org) – A controversial Democrat lawmaker has been censured by the House for her outspoken comments. Representative Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) is well known for her support of the Palestinian cause. This time, though, her congressional colleagues think she’s gone too far.

Tlaib’s Anti-Israel History

Rashida Tlaib was the first Palestinian-American woman to be elected to Congress. Since taking office in January 2019 she’s built a reputation as one of the strongest supporters of the Palestinians — and among the fiercest opponents of Israel — in the legislature. She’s also a member of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) and is one of the far-left representatives known as “the Squad.”

Tlaib’s views on Israel have landed her in hot water several times. While she was endorsed by liberal Middle East peace group J Street during her 2018 primary campaign, the organization pulled its support before she was elected to the House. Tlaib supports a one-state solution to the Israel-Palestine issue; J Street says she misled them about that during her campaign. She also supports the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) campaign aimed at damaging Israel’s economy, which most US legislators — even most Democrats — oppose.

The Anti-Defamation League has often criticized Tlaib. It’s accused her of supporting anti-Semitic groups, which Tlaib denies. Israel has made its opinion clear; along with fellow “Squad” member Ilhan Omar (D-MN) Tlaib is banned from entering the Jewish state. On the other hand, it does allow her to visit her relatives in the Israeli-controlled West Bank as long as she doesn’t make inflammatory political statements while she’s there. However, Tlaib refuses to visit under these “oppressive conditions.”

Hamas Scandal

So Tlaid is clearly a long-standing opponent of Israel, but since the October 7 Hamas attack that murdered 1,400 Israelis, the issue has blown up. While most legislators were quick to condemn the terrorist atrocity, Tlaib didn’t say anything until the next day — and, when she did, she said “I grieve the Palestinian and Israeli lives lost yesterday.” As the Palestinian lives lost were Hamas terrorists killed by Israeli security forces after murdering innocent people, that didn’t go down too well. Tlaib has also used the slogan “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.” Most people interpret that as a call for the destruction of Israel.

On November 7, Representative Rich McCormick (R-GA) introduced a motion to censure Tlaib, accusing her of “promoting false narratives” about the October 7 attack and calling for the destruction of Israel. While her fellow Democrats have stood by her before to block official criticism, it seems she’s gone too far this time. When McCormick’s motion came to the floor, more than 20 Dems backed it, while only four Republicans leaned the other way. The vote passed by a majority of 234 to 188. As a censure is usually the last step before expulsion from the House, this move is a warning shot that Tlaib will pay attention to if she’s smart.

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