Nancy Pelosi Tells Protestors to “Go Back to China”

( – Former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi reportedly told a group of anti-war protestors to “go back to China” back in October. A video of the statement recently went viral on social media, leading to major backlash against the lawmaker. This incident is just the most recent in which the 83-year-old representative has suggested foreign agents are behind demonstrations to find peaceful resolutions to the conflicts occurring overseas.

The latest uproar took place after the video, which depicts a verbal sparring match between Pelosi and anti-war activists, made the rounds online. The activist group Pelosi addresses in the video, CODEPINK, posted a copy of the altercation on X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter. It shows the senior lawmaker accusing the group of being headquartered in China and telling them they should return to the communist country.

Pelosi was apparently referring to allegations The New York Times made in August that numerous organizations, including CODEPINK, were getting their funding from a millionaire with socialist ties. Neville Roy Singham works directly with the Chinese government to push propaganda, according to the Times, using American groups from overseas to feed the communist country’s ideals to the groups. Singham lives in Shanghai, where he co-produces a YouTube show that receives some of its financing from the propaganda department.

Pelosi has also suggested that Russia is behind American activists’ demands for Israel to call a cease-fire with Hamas. TIME wrote that she went as far as to suggest that the FBI look into the possibility that some pro-armistice activist groups in the US had Russian backing.

CODEPINK released a statement condemning Pelosi for her “slanderous” remarks, slamming her for implying people trying to promote peace were “un-American.” The group states that its activists haven’t received any foreign funds for their work, adding that its members simply want to see an end to the violence.

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