Lauren Boebert Undergoes Surgery

( – Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) went to the hospital on April 1 after experiencing extreme swelling in one of her legs. Doctors found a blood clot, and they performed surgery the following morning. She expects to make a full recovery without any lingering effects from her condition.

Surgeons removed the blood clot and added a stent to keep the problem from returning. They diagnosed her with May-Thurner syndrome, a condition that typically occurs when the right iliac artery presses on the left iliac vein at a point where the two overlap in the pelvis. The condition is most commonly seen in females between 20 and 50 years old.

The Cleveland Clinic explains that the problem can lead to poor circulation in the affected leg, which can cause deep vein thrombosis — a type of blood clot. Symptoms include swelling, skin discoloration, swollen veins, throbbing pain, tenderness, and a heavy sensation in the leg. The anomaly that causes the problem occurs in about 20% of the population, but many affected people never develop blood clots so they never receive a diagnosis. The condition can be deadly if left untreated due to its potential to cause pulmonary embolisms, or blood clots in the lungs.

Boebert’s treatment should put her in the clear from here on out. The stent should keep the affected vein open despite the pressure from the artery that crosses over it, and the Republican representative will also likely need to take blood thinners for several months.

Boebert currently represents her state’s 3rd District, but she recently decided to move her campaigning to Colorado’s 4th District, which has a more conservative voter base. The move could wind up backfiring on her. A hypothetical match-up poll showed Democratic opponent Ike McCorkle winning against her by 7 points. Boebert is among the camp of MAGA conservatives who are currently running under the endorsement of former President Donald Trump.

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