James Biden Associate Pleads Guilty

(RepublicanJournal.org) – A businessman who used to work with the president’s brother has pleaded guilty to a huge Medicare fraud. Keaton Langston managed to rip off $51 million of taxpayer money by claiming payment for fake tests. James Biden wasn’t involved in the scam but he has been accused of benefiting from one of the companies linked to it.

On May 22, Langston entered a guilty plea in Newark Federal Court, where he was on trial for defrauding Medicare of more than $51 million. In May 2017, Langston and his long-time friend James Biden, the president’s slightly younger brother, set up Fountain Health. This was a laboratory company offering medical testing. Soon after founding the company, Langston offered its services to Americore Health, which had been set up to run a rural hospital network. James Biden was also one of the founders of Americore, and he’d planned to give his brother a seat on the board and use his political connections to promote the company. Was it a coincidence that a lab company linked to James Biden offered its services to a hospital company linked to James Biden?

In any case, Fountain Health and other companies run by Langston proceeded to offer doctors bribes and kickbacks to get them to use their services. They then billed Medicare for the tests they carried out and the equipment they supplied. By the time the scam was uncovered, Medicare had paid out over $51 million — and Langston had personally made $10 million. He and Biden later agreed to repay over half a million dollars to Americore, which had gone bankrupt in the meantime.

Langston’s father Joey, a wealthy attorney in Mississippi, was also linked to James Biden; he loaned him $800,000 in 2016 and 2017, and only got half of it back. Attorney Dickie Scruggs, who was alleged to be Joey Langston’s co-conspirator in a 2008 bribery case, knows the president’s brother, too; in 1998, while he was planning a class action suit against tobacco companies, he paid James Biden’s lobbying company $100,000. Coincidentally, shortly afterward, Senator Joe Biden (D-PA) reversed his position on the tobacco industry and became a vocal supporter of legal action against it.

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