Germany Preparing for Conflict With Russia, According to Leaks

( – The Russo-Ukraine war is approaching its second anniversary, with seemingly no end in sight. Despite very little gains on both sides and a conflict that has killed tens of thousands, the battle persists. During this time, there have been concerns that Russia would aim its aggression at NATO countries, and it seems like one nation is preparing for that to happen.

According to Bild, a German newspaper, the Bundeswehr, the nation’s armed forces, are preparing for a direct conflict involving Russia. The publication reportedly viewed a secret document that indicates there could be an escalation between Moscow and NATO in the coming weeks and that there is a training scenario outlining Russian President Vladimir Putin’s actions and NATO’s eventual response.

The scenario spells out how Russia plans to launch a spring offensive that would see it more successful than it has been in the past two years, this time taking hold of quite a bit of Ukraine’s land. From there, Moscow would begin carrying out cyber attacks, inciting violence in the Baltic states, and deploying tens of thousands of troops to neighboring Belarus, then set its sights on Kaliningrad.

Eventually, according to the scenario, Moscow would exploit the results of the US election — which the document says is expected to draw more chaos like 2020 — and use that as a means to attack NATO. Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty states that an attack on one member is an attack on all. In response to the perceived scenario, NATO would then launch 300,000 troops.

When asked about the legitimacy of the document, the German Defense Ministry wouldn’t confirm or deny its existence. However, the Director of the NATO Center of Excellence for Strategic Communications, Jānis Sārts, said it was merely a training scenario, which is always based on fictional situations. However, nothing is ever out of the realm of possibility, and military readiness relies on specialized training.

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