Brazilian Model Gets Arrested for Being Topless in Public

( – A famous Brazilian model is in hot water after deciding to walk her dogs topless. The young woman was apparently trying to assert gender equality rights, claiming it was unfair that men could remove their shirts in public when women could not. She claimed adult females are allowed to go topless in other countries, so hers should allow the practice as well.

Model Caroline Werner was arrested for indecency in May 2023, according to The New York Post, which states that she boldly took off her shirt, tied the garment around her waist, and charged down a street alongside a Balneário Camboriú beach. Officers caught up with the half-naked woman, handcuffed her, and provided her with a blouse at the police station.

Werner was charged with “committing an obscene act” for breaking a well-established Brazilian law that makes it illegal for women to go bare-chested in public. The model, who has numerous photos of herself in bikinis and provocative poses posted on her Instagram page, criticized her country’s hypersexualized treatment of the female body. She noted that other nations didn’t objectify breasts in the same way, and she felt the need to fight against an unfair law.

Werner also claims the legal system deprived her of basic rights while she was in custody. She alleges that officers left her handcuffed in a dark cell for an hour, refused access to her lawyer despite multiple requests for them, and wasn’t given access to a phone throughout the ordeal. A plea deal is currently on the table, with the 37-year-old facing up to a year in jail as well as extensive fines if the case goes to court.

Clothing laws can vary drastically from country to country. In the US, regulations controlling whether women can go topless vary by state and/or the circumstances. In countries with extreme laws, women can face imprisonment for simply walking around with their heads uncovered. For example, in Iran, women can go to prison for up to 10 years for refusing to wear a hijab.

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