Biden’s Dog Continues Biting, This Time Targets White House Staffer

( – President Joe Biden has repeatedly defended his dogs despite numerous allegations that he’s raised more than one biter. A fresh claim against First Dog Commander raises new questions about the animal’s temperament. Despite the administration’s assertions that Biden’s two-year-old German shepherd is friendly and approachable, the animal is reportedly no longer at the White House.

Commander has allegedly been involved in at least 11 incidents with Secret Service agents. The Daily Mail believes it has evidence of even more aggression. It published exclusive photographs that a tourist on White House grounds took of the animal playing with 71-year-old staffer Dale Haney.

One of the images appears to capture Commander biting the man on the arm. The incident reportedly occurred on September 13, mere days after word came of another report that the dog had bitten a Secret Service member badly enough to require medical care.

Commander isn’t the first of Biden’s dogs to prove itself a potential menace to White House workers and guests. Major, the president’s previous dog, which he adopted in 2018, had to be removed from the residence and eventually rehomed to friends of the Biden family over his behavior. Major had also allegedly bitten multiple Secret Service members, leading officials at one point to warn the First Family of possible lawsuits if they didn’t address the problem.

White House officials have tried to blame the incidents on their “chaotic” and often “stressful” environment, noting that they’ve taken steps at every turn to keep staff members as safe as possible. The Bidens claimed to have worked extensively with trainers and veterinarians to help their dogs adjust to First Family life. Still, apparently, the steps weren’t enough to keep either Major or Commander on the presidential grounds.

Biden’s brother Jim and sister-in-law Sara Jones gave him Commander as a birthday gift in 2021, after Major left and the president’s eldest dog, another German shepherd named Champ — a good dog who had no reported behavioral issues — died naturally at 13 years of age.

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