Former Trump Official Makes a Huge Announcement

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( – A former US ambassador could hold the key to the GOP taking back control of the Senate — and he’s just announced a major boost to his campaign. Jeff Gunter, who’s running for one of Nevada’s Senate seats, says he’ll launch a multimillion-dollar ad campaign for the state’s primary in June. Gunter is a Trump loyalist, and he’s hoping the former president’s supporters will rally behind him.

For most of his life, Dr Jeff Gunter was a Democrat. Educated at the University of California, Berkeley, and the University of Southern California, he built a successful career as a dermatologist. Politically, however, he started to grow disillusioned with the Democratic Party after the 9/11 terrorist attacks when he says he noticed “extreme left-wing progressives” starting to dominate it. He said it wasn’t the party of John F Kennedy anymore and had swung towards a Marxist agenda.

Gunter has compared himself to former president Ronald Reagan, who famously said “I didn’t leave the Democratic Party; the Democratic Party left me.” That meant when Donald Trump offered him the job of US ambassador to Iceland in 2018, he was ready to be converted. Now, Gunter is a solid supporter of the 45th president, describing himself as “110% supportive of Donald Trump.”

Now Gunter wants to be the Republican candidate in November’s contest for a Nevada Senate seat. It’s already a crowded field; his main rival is US Army veteran Sam Brown, a former infantry captain who was seriously injured by a 2008 IED attack in Afghanistan and suffered burns to 30% of his body. Brown was beaten out in Nevada’s 2022 Senate primary, running against Trump-endorsed candidate Adam Laxalt. In March this year, he filed to run again, and is currently the leading candidate. Gunter wants to change that.

Ads Will Run On TV, Radio, Texts

On April 2, Gunter announced a $3.3 million ad blitz that will run on all major Nevada TV stations, as well as radio and digital channels. A centerpiece of the campaign is a video calling him “Trump ambassador Dr Jeff Gunter” and promising that he’ll fight for the America First agenda, drain the swamp, and battle far-left woke ideology.

Despite the campaign, Gunter is facing an uphill struggle. Brown already has the backing of many senior Republicans, including the powerful National Republican Senatorial Committee. However, he’s likely to be the candidate Trump endorses and combined with the new ads, that gives him a fighting chance.

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