Turkish Lawmaker Dies From Heart Attack During Conference

(RepublicanJournal.org) – A Turkish lawmaker is in serious condition in the hospital after suffering a heart attack on stage. The official had just finished speaking his mind about Israel’s counterstrikes against Hamas, warning anyone aligned with the Islamic people’s eradication that they would not be able to escape “the wrath of Allah.” He then proceeded to crumple to the floor from what appeared to be a heart attack.

Hasan Bitmez, 53, Saadet Party deputy for Kocaeli, was speaking at the Turkish Grand National Assembly. He was supposed to be discussing the Ministry of Foreign Affairs budget, but he also apparently felt the need to voice his thoughts on the ongoing strikes against Hamas.

Trending Politics co-owner Collin Rugg posted a clip of the video on X, the social media platform formerly called Twitter. In his speech, the Turkish lawmaker implied that their enemy might wipe all of them out, but history would still hold the people responsible accountable. And even if that didn’t happen, according to Bitmez, they would have to face Allah. The lawmaker was visibly upset as he spoke, but his words went weak when he offered his parting salutations. A moment later, he collapsed. Social media users blew up the page with their thoughts on the tragic irony of the timing.

Bitmez reportedly already had two stents in his heart, which means the party deputy had preexisting cardiovascular problems before this event occurred. He also suffers from diabetes. An angiography determined that the lawmaker has complete blockages in two of his main veins, but doctors weren’t able to improve his condition during the procedure. Turkey’s Minister of Health Dr. Fahrettin Koca shared the news on X, indicating that Bitmez was being kept alive by a heart-lung pump.

Israel and Gaza have been at war since October 7, when Hamas forces invaded with deadly force. Thousands of people have died since, and over one million residents in Gaza have lost their homes to counterstrikes. The conflict has caused problems in areas across the world as protestors against both sides only broaden the divide.

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