Tucker Carlson Praises Moscow While Embarrassing American Cities

(RepublicanJournal.org) – Commentator Tucker Carlson has sparked a new controversy after telling a reporter that Moscow is “so much nicer” than any US city. Carlson, who recently interviewed Russian President Vladimir Putin, was attending a global summit in Dubai when he made the comments. He’s recently faced criticism for praising Putin and allegedly giving legitimacy to the Russian strongman’s invasion of Ukraine.

On February 8, Carlson released a video of a two-hour interview he’d conducted two days earlier in the Kremlin, the ancient fortress that houses the Russian Senate, key administration officials, and Putin’s palace. The interview provoked criticism, with many saying Carlson had gone easy on the Russian leader, even allowing him to deliver a 30-minute rant on the “history” — his version of it, anyway — of Russia and Ukraine.

After his trip to Russia, Carlson went on to the World Government Summit in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, an annual event where government officials, businessmen, and others meet and discuss current issues. While he was there, he gave an interview and discussed his Moscow visit — and the Russian capital seems to have impressed him. He said he found it “very shocking, very disturbing” that Moscow was “so much nicer than any city in my country.” He went on to praise the city’s cleanliness, its architecture, and even its service and food.

Carlson’s comments would probably surprise many residents of Moscow, which is notorious for its crime, corruption, and huge projects full of crumbling Soviet-era high-rise apartment blocks. However, the city also has upscale suburbs and affluent shopping and leisure districts, and the Moscow Militia (the city’s police force) generally try to make sure foreign visitors and rich Muscovites are protected from crime and urban degeneration.

In any case, Carlson was probably aiming his comments more at the US government than his Dubai audience; he also slammed the our government for letting crime and inflation get out of control.

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