Six Suspiciously Dead in Hotel in Bangkok Hotel

( – Police in Thailand have found six bodies — including two US citizens — in a luxury hotel. The victims appear to have died of cyanide poisoning. Investigators think the deaths could be linked to a failed investment scheme.

On July 16, staff at the Grand Hyatt Erawan, a five-star luxury hotel in Bangkok, opened a suite whose occupants were more than a day late in checking out. Inside they found a horrific scene — six corpses, three men and three women, and a table set out for a meal.

The dead have been identified as two Vietnamese-Americans and four Vietnamese citizens. Their bodies were scattered throughout the suite; police said two were in the bedroom, one was still at the dining table and another had tried to reach the door but collapsed before they got there.

Investigators have found traces of cyanide in a teapot and six cups or mugs the victims had apparently been drinking from. They also discovered traces of a white powder in the cups, suggesting the six were poisoned with a cyanide salt. While this isn’t as fast-acting as poisoning with hydrogen cyanide gas or pure liquid cyanide (prussic acid), it can still cause unconsciousness and death in a matter of minutes. A blood sample from one of the victims found traces of cyanide.

The suite was rented by a group of seven people, and at first police were looking for the surviving one. However, on July 17 they said they had dropped that angle. They now believe one of the victims poisoned themselves and the others.

Deputy Metropolitan Police Commissioner Noppasin Poonsawat said one member of the group ordered tea and food from room service; when it was delivered around 2 p.m., that person was alone in the suite and “looked under stress.” The other five then joined them. According to hotel security records, after that nobody entered or left the suite after 2:17 p.m. until staff opened the door the next day.

According to relatives of the victims, one of them was an investment agent and the others had all invested money with them. However, the scheme had run into problems and the group agreed to meet in Bangkok to discuss the situation. Police believe either the group then decided to commit suicide, or the one who ordered the food decided to kill himself and everyone else.

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