RFK Jr. Goes Independent, Demands New Declaration of Independence

RFK Jr May Be a Ploy To Boost Biden

(RepublicanJournal.org) – Robert F. Kennedy (RFK) Jr. has left the Democratic party, officially running for president as an Independent. Even more, he said during his announcement speech that he was creating a “new declaration of independence” for the country by breaking free of the two-party system. The implications of this latest move could be huge, and it could hurt Republicans more than it does Democrats.

Kennedy made his announcement on Monday, October 9, at Philadelphia’s Independence Mall. He shared with supporters that the decision to leave his party was difficult, noting his father, RFK Sr., and uncle John F. Kennedy had both been Democrats.

The now-independent presidential candidate has certainly expressed some opinions that haven’t meshed with those on the Left. While he agrees that large entities like Big Pharma and Wall Street are among the country’s biggest problems, he also adheres to ideas that resonate more with ultra-conservatives. For example, he’s firmly against vaccines of all kinds.

The news of Kennedy’s move to Independent prompted several members of his family to denounce his candidacy. His sister Kerry Kennedy posted a joint statement with Rory Kennedy, who is also a sibling, and other family members Joseph P. Kennedy II and Kathleeen Kennedy Townsend. The message, which appeared on X, formerly known as Twitter, expressed dismay over their relative’s decision to run against President Joe Biden. They called the move “perilous” and insisted that RFK Jr. didn’t share their family’s long-standing values.

Kennedy has been running a long-shot campaign, but he still has the power to split the final vote — although many analysts believe Republicans could feel the greatest impact. He’s appealed to a portion of the Right, a point even the independent candidate has noted. He could also possibly join forces with conservatives down the line. MAGA supporter Steve Bannon stated in April that he thought RFK Jr. would make an excellent running mate for Trump if Kari Lake became unavailable.

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