Miraculous Rescue: Woman Survives 12 Days in California Wilderness

Los Angeles

A California woman was found alive after 12 days missing in a remote area, highlighting remarkable survival instincts and the tireless efforts of rescue teams.

At a Glance

  • A 24-year-old woman was found near the Yuba River after being missing for nearly two weeks.
  • She was severely dehydrated and airlifted for medical treatment.
  • Authorities are investigating the circumstances of her disappearance and survival.
  • She went missing while camping with friends and expressed wanting to return home.

Discovery and Rescue

A 24-year-old Sacramento woman, Esmeralda Marie Pineda, was discovered on top of a river canyon near the Yuba River in Northern California after being missing for 12 days. Pineda was significantly dehydrated and emaciated, requiring urgent medical attention. Authorities airlifted her to a nearby hospital for treatment. The extent of her injuries remains unclear.

Pineda’s resilience and the determination of the Nevada County Sheriff’s Office and search and rescue volunteers played crucial roles in her survival. “The Sheriff’s Office and our search and rescue volunteers covered extensive ground throughout our search, and we are thankful today to find her alive,” Sgt. Dustin Moe said in a statement. html

Survival Against All Odds

Pineda had been camping with friends in Nevada City, about 63 miles from Sacramento, when she disappeared in late August. Before her disappearance, she had expressed a desire to return home. Officials believe Pineda managed to climb up the treacherous canyon walls before being found. The Nevada County Sheriff’s Office described the rescue operation and terrain as treacherous, which involved repelling into and out of the canyon. html

Pineda’s survival has drawn significant media attention mainly due to the hardships she likely faced with limited resources. Rescuers, including the North San Juan Fire Department and the California Highway Patrol, provided immediate medical services. Pineda was airlifted within an hour of being discovered, underscoring the rapid coordinated response.

Ongoing Investigation

Investigations continue into how Pineda survived such harsh conditions. Sgt. Dustin Moe expressed uncertainty about her survival, noting she might have had strong survival instincts combined with sheer luck. Detailed accounts from Pineda may offer insights into the mental and physical fortitude required to endure such an ordeal.

“Pineda had told her friends she wanted to go back to Sacramento before she disappeared the next morning,” according to reports.

Pineda’s case serves as a poignant reminder of human resilience and the importance of never giving up hope. The community continues to support her recovery as she reunites with her family and receives needed medical and emotional help.


1. Missing California woman found alive after 12 days in the wilderness

2. California woman found in wilderness 12 days after going missing