(RepublicanJournal.org) – Although Hunter Biden is best known for drugs, guns, and dubious artwork, the president’s son is actually a corporate lawyer and legal lobbyist. His checkered career could be nearing its end though. His law license has just been suspended — and could be permanently revoked.
Felony Convictions Could Lead to Disbarment
On June 11, Hunter Biden was convicted by a federal court in Wilmington, Delaware, on three charges linked to his 2018 purchase of a handgun while addicted to crack cocaine. Prosecutors said he lied on federal background check paperwork, lied to the dealer, and possessed a gun when federal law said he was prohibited from owning firearms.
Although Hunter claimed he’d bought the pistol while he’d been taking a break from drug abuse for a few days, the prosecution was able to bring in multiple witnesses — including three of his ex-partners — to show that he had been using crack at the time. He’s due to be sentenced in October.
Consequences are starting to arrive already, though. On June 17, the District of Columbia Bar Association, where Hunter has been licensed to practice law since 2007, sent a notice to his legal team warning that his license had been suspended with immediate effect after the guilty verdict. According to the notice the bar association has ruled that his crime involved dishonest and immoral conduct.
The DC bar has a policy of automatically suspending any member who is convicted of a felony, but the policy can be waived if doing so would be “in the interest of justice.” The DC Court of Appeals can overturn his suspension if it feels justice would be served by doing so; the bar association has already passed the suspension notice to the Court of Appeals for confirmation.
Although he’s rarely actually worked for a law firm, Hunter’s controversial business career has relied heavily on his status as a lawyer. He’s moved between large companies (including major donors to his father’s political campaigns), government service, and lobbying firms. With his law license suspended, there’s no obvious reason for anyone to hire him except for his family connections.
Although his business career has been mostly on hold since federal agents started investigating his tax affairs in 2020, and he’s tried to reinvent himself as a painter (attracting accusations that the inflated prices paid for his “art” were disguised fees for access to the president), losing the license would still be a professional blow. Even if he escapes jail for his crimes, the chances of him getting away scot-free just fell sharply.
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