Biden Slams Putin and Trump at Fundraiser

( – President Joe Biden recently appeared at a handful of fundraising events in California to boost the Biden Victory Fund. During one of the high-end events, he went out of his way to slam Russian President Vladimir Putin as well as former US President Donald Trump. Biden called the European leader a “crazy SOB,” while claiming a recent Trump statement would have had him “committed” a decade ago.

Biden made the bold statements on February 21, while speaking at an event in San Francisco, which wealthy left-wing donor Gordon Getty hosted at his home. The president was talking about climate change when he made the sudden reference to Putin. Biden stated that the threat of nuclear war was always a possibility, thanks to “crazy” Putin, but the climate should be everybody’s concern because it’s our “last existential threat.” He added that today’s Republicans were sowing “chaos and division” and accused them of being worse than the “real racists” he worked with back during his days in the Senate.

Biden’s criticism of Trump stemmed from a recent Truth Social response to the death of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny. The MAGA leader claimed the Russian prisoner’s death — which, according to Reuters, Biden and many others insist was at the bidding of Putin — served as a wake-up call to the corruption and moral decline in the United States. Biden slammed Trump and other Republicans who refused to specifically condemn Putin over the death, questioning why the former US leader would blame the US when the Kremlin was clearly to blame.

Trump’s choice to compare himself to Navalny, according to Biden in his recent speech, is “astounding.” ABC News reports that Trump maintains that he, like Navalny, has been wrongly persecuted for political reasons. He insists that he has been innocent throughout the numerous indictments against him.

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