Backlash Stirs Over President Biden’s Recent Controversial Comment


President Biden’s comment about “doing 9/11” has sparked significant controversy across social media.

At a Glance

  • President Biden’s comment about “doing 9/11” caused a social media uproar.
  • The comment was made during a discussion about his schedule.
  • Social media users reacted with criticism and humor due to his phrasing.
  • The White House announced that Biden and Harris will honor 9/11 victims by visiting key memorials.

Public Backlash Over Biden’s Gaffe

President Joe Biden recently caused a stir with his comment, “I’ll be doing 9/11 tomorrow,” made during a public appearance. The remark quickly drew criticism for its unfortunate phrasing and led to a social media uproar. Social media users have been poking fun at the 81-year-old president, taking issue with his choice of words while discussing his upcoming schedule, which included commemorating the September 11 attacks in New York and Pennsylvania.

Biden’s gaffe overshadowed the important context of his statement—his plans to honor the victims of the terrorist attacks. The White House stated that Biden and Vice President Harris would visit Ground Zero, the Flight 93 Memorial in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, and the Pentagon to remember the lives lost on that tragic day.

Biden’s Communication Skills Under Scrutiny

President Biden’s remark has once again put his communication skills under the microscope. Social media exploded with a mix of criticism, humor, and concern about his phrasing, emphasizing the sensitivity needed when speaking about national tragedies. The backlash underscores the broader societal challenge of balancing freedom of expression with due respect for significant and tragic events in U.S. history.

Biden, who has a history of gaffes, is no stranger to public scrutiny. In the past, he has referred to Vice President Kamala Harris as Donald Trump and had several physical mishaps. The timing of this latest incident is particularly poignant, coming just a day before he was scheduled to join leaders like Trump and Harris in commemorating the September 11 attacks.

Commemorating the 22nd Anniversary of 9/11

Biden and Harris’s planned visits to memorials highlight the importance of remembering September 11. The president also expressed confidence in Harris for her upcoming debate, describing her as “calm, cool, and collected.” Despite the backlash, Biden reaffirmed his commitment to honoring those who lost their lives on 9/11.

“Each of those precious lives stolen too soon when evil attacked ground zero in New York.” – Joe Biden

This year, President Biden marked the anniversary by speaking to service members, first responders, and their families at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson in Anchorage, Alaska. His choice of location, away from the direct attack sites, marked a first for sitting presidents. Nevertheless, he emphasized the importance of remembering the resilience and strength shown in the face of the attacks.

“And never forget, when faced with evil and an enemy that sought to tear us apart, what we endured,” Biden said. “While every year we mark this hallowed day, it’s never easy.” As the nation reflects on the tragic events of September 11, the president’s remarks and presence at commemoration ceremonies continue to hold significant weight for many Americans.

Amidst the backlash and controversy, Biden’s commitment to honoring the victims of 9/11 and his dedication to the nation’s resilience remain evident. The event, although marred by unfortunate phrasing, emphasizes the ongoing significance of sensitive historical remembrance and the role of leadership in navigating public sentiments.


1. Joe Biden sparks social media frenzy with ‘Tomorrow I’m doing 9/11’ comment, watch video

2. Fact check: Biden falsely claims he was at Ground Zero ‘the next day’ after 9/11

3. Statement from President Joe Biden on the Anniversary of September 11