Backlash Against Kamala Harris: Christian Leaders Respond to Controversial Campaign Efforts

Hands praying on a Bible.

Vice President Kamala Harris’s attempt to woo Christian voters with her “Souls to the Polls” campaign has ignited controversy and backlash.

At a Glance

  • Harris faces significant criticism from Christian communities over her abortion and Equality Act stances.
  • Her outreach attempts are perceived as misaligned with Christian doctrines, complicating her support among faith-driven voters.
  • Catholic voters, a crucial demographic, have shown decreased support for Harris compared to President Joe Biden.
  • Her attendance at faith-oriented events and initiatives has been met with skepticism.

Rift with Catholic Voters

Vice President Kamala Harris is facing a crucial backlash from Catholic voters due to perceived hostility towards this demographic. Harris is, reportedly, polling worse than President Joe Biden among Catholics, a sizable voting bloc in the U.S. The Catholic vote has played a pivotal role in previous elections, influencing the outcomes substantially. Key battleground states, including Pennsylvania, Nevada, Michigan, and Arizona, harbor substantial Catholic populations.

Tensions were highlighted by Harris’s decision to skip the Archdiocese of New York’s annual Al Smith Dinner, an event traditionally attended by presidential candidates. Timothy Cardinal Dolan expressed disappointment, recalling the last major absence being Democrat Walter Mondale in 1984.

Reaction to Harris’s Stances

Critics argue that Harris’s association with the Equality Act and “Do No Harm Act” alienates Christian voters, suggesting her policies oppose religious freedoms. Her past actions, including questioning judicial nominees on their Catholic affiliations, have fueled these perceptions. Amid these controversies, Harris addressed the Koinonia Christian Center Church in North Carolina, where she emphasized the centrality of faith in challenging times to appeal to Black voters.

“Kamala’s definitely been impacted negatively by a lack of support from Catholic voters,” said Ryan Girdusky, a GOP strategist and Catholic. “She’s polling worse than Joe Biden among a very important demographic. They are the largest single church in America, the Catholic vote will help decide the presidency.” – Ryan Girdusky

Challenging her relationship with the Christian community further, Harris solicited criticisms from notable Christian figures and conservative commentators. Franklin Graham, son of Billy Graham, asserted his father would not have supported Harris owing to her positions being antithetical to Christian faith.

Controversy and Criticism

The backlash extended beyond policy stances to her campaign approach, with some likening her influence to negative spiritual connotations. Christian nationalist rhetoric labeled Harris with a “Jezebel spirit,” a term historically used to malign Black women. Critics perceive this as dangerous language that may incite violence by framing her as a malevolent force.

“It’s used as a means of justifying aggression. Christians are supposed to love their enemies. But Christians are allowed to hate demons.” – Matthew Taylor

Vice President Harris’s continued efforts to align with Christian voters remain complicated by historical actions and policy endorsements that religious communities perceive as antithetical to their beliefs. The intensifying criticism underscores the challenge she faces in garnering faith-based support in her political pursuits.


1. What’s a ‘Jezebel spirit’? Some Christians use the term to paint Kamala Harris with a demonic brush

2. Harris’ attempt to pander to Christians after insulting them goes very badly: ‘You’re at the wrong rally’

3. Kamala Harris’ years of public smears, snubs to Catholics leaves her underwater with critical voting bloc